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Italian party at the Olympic Village, Renzi at the Welcome Ceremony for Italy. "The athletes are ready, I hope to celebrate our 200th gold at the Summer Olympics"

Italian party at the Olympic Village, Renzi at the Welcome Ceremony for Italy.

The Barra Olympic Village has welcomed the Italian Team. The joyful Welcome Ceremony was held this morning in the international zone of the venue dedicated to athletes. It is a symbolic act that officially confirms the arrival of the team at the Village. The Italian team, tightly packed around the flag bearer Federica Pellegrini, was led by the Head of the Delegation and Deputy General Secretary of CONI, Carlo Mornati. The delegation was greeted by a special guest, Italian Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, who wanted to demonstrate the Government's affinity with the Italian athletes, accompanied by the President of CONI, Giovanni Malagò and General Secretary, Roberto Fabbricini. "It is time to think about the competition and be united, proud of our flag. I've seen in the athletes the desire to show just how important and amazing this occasion is. We believe that the important thing is to take part but also to win, so we're all ready to cheer on the team. Alongside this is the cultural and heritage value: sport as a moment of growth for people. I believe this is the important message that our champions will be able to deliver in these games", underlined the Premier, who proudly wore the EA7 branded Italian kit accompanied by Mameli's Italian national anthem, after having exchanged a few affectionate joke with various athletes, and giving them sincere encouragement for the competition ahead.


Italy's flag was raised along with those of Andorra, the Marshall Islands, the Solomon Islands, Portugal and the Democratic Republic of Congo. "I hope this experience will become an unforgettable event for all of you," the message of the Mayor of the Village, former basketball player Janeth Arcain, who exchanged a customary gift with representatives from the nations. "I'm here to support the athletes," reaffirmed Prime Minister Renzi who also expressed his thoughts on tomorrow night's opening ceremony. "The choice of Federica Pellegrini is fantastic and well-deserved. She is the Queen. She is majestic, we have also seen her in form and I'm happy. The fact that she is the flag bearer is the due recognition to one of the greatest athletes in the history of Italian sport, who, in my opinion, still has a lot more to give and we will find out in these games". The Premier then went on to talk about personal memories linked to the Olympics. "The first Olympics that I followed were those of 1984. I wasn't old enough - I was five - to witness Pietro Mennea and Sara Simeoni. The first Olympic event that I followed from start to finish, on television of course, was the 10,000 m with Alberto Cova in Los Angeles. Then there was Alessandro Andrei in the shot put, Gabriella Dorio in the 1500 metres. Now I hope to celebrate with you Italy's 200th gold at the Summer Olympics".

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